You may have heard of residential treatment and outpatient treatment. You may even have an understanding of how these programs can effectively treat addiction. But are you familiar with that period of recovery called aftercare? An aftercare recovery program can be just as vital as residential treatment in the recovery process. In fact, the role of aftercare in helping to prevent relapse cannot be over-emphasized. If you’re considering entering into a drug or alcohol addiction treatment program, the aftercare recovery program at Rockland Recovery can help you maintain your recovery long after treatment.
What Happens in an Aftercare Recovery Program?
An aftercare recovery program can be a busy place. It’s where clients who have completed alcohol and drug addiction treatment find support and fellowship with others in addiction recovery. Aftercare provides a wide range of resources, so people in recovery can find the support that they need. For some, it means support group meetings and alumni events. For others, it’s a 24-hour crisis line, sponsors, and mentors you can call when you need help to stay sober.
Aftercare takes place once the official period of treatment has ended. It provides continuing support to clients as they transition back home and back into their communities. These are resources to help those new to addiction recovery find the support they need to stay sober.
Would I Benefit from an Aftercare Recovery Program?
As someone new to recovery, it’s essential to take part in aftercare activities to perpetuate your sobriety. There are many ways to participate, including:
- Attending meetings of AA, NA, or other support groups
- Giving testimonials to those newer to recovery than yourself
- Keeping current with alumni events such as picnics, reunions, or family days
- Maintaining ties with peers who went through recovery with you
- Mentoring others along the path to recovery
Keeping active in the recovery community is an important task for those who are just out of treatment because it’s a tool for relapse prevention. Old habits may begin to creep in as you return home and get back to your daily routine. You may find yourself becoming increasingly isolated and lonely. Your days may begin to lack structure. These are all early warning signs of relapse. Having firm roots in your aftercare community can keep you from falling into the trap of repeating old, destructive habits.
What Are Other Aftercare Options?
Most drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers offer some form of aftercare, but one may be better than another. The aftercare recovery program at Rockland Recovery has been effective for many people who have completed addiction treatment. As an additional aftercare option, you can find online groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Codependents Anonymous (CODA) to help you weather through. If you find yourself in crisis, go to your local emergency room or book an appointment with an addiction treatment center nearby. Many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers will help, regardless of where you are in your recovery.
The Aftercare Recovery Program at Rockland Recovery
At Rockland Recovery, our aftercare recovery program is hyper-focused on helping clients with relapse prevention. We offer multiple sober living homes for men and women who have completed our programs of treatment. These homes are comfortable and well-furnished. More importantly, they employ staff around the clock to help in the event of a crisis.
Use Aftercare to Solidify Your Recovery
At Rockland Recovery in Massachusetts, we won’t set you adrift on the strange sea of transition. We’ll be there with you every step of the way until you feel confident enough to make it on your own. And even then, you’ll always be welcome at our alumni events.
Call Rockland Recovery today at 855.732.4842 for more information. You can also visit us online for a virtual tour of our sober living homes.