Tips to Stay Present This Holiday Season

tips to stay present this holiday season

The holiday season is swiftly approaching, and with it comes the joy and excitement as well as the addiction triggers associated with this time of year. Stress, loneliness, and anger all play a part in how people handle their recovery from addiction. For some, the holiday season only exacerbates these negative feelings when everyone is expected to be happy, grateful, and joyous.

If you are struggling to stay grounded and present in your life, it can threaten your recovery. Our Rockland Recovery team is ready to help. Learn more today by filling out our online form or calling 855.732.4842 for more information about how an alcohol addiction treatment program can help recovering alcoholics stay present this holiday season.

Do You Need Help to Make it a Sober Holiday?

This stressful time can put many of the sober living tips you’ve learned to the test. Sometimes the grounding techniques from recovery worked well in the confines of a treatment program but became harder to apply to real-life situations when navigating the holidays. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reaching out can be the thing that saves you from a relapse. An alcohol addiction treatment program will provide you with the resources and guidance for navigating this challenging time in your recovery journey.

Tips for Staying Present in Recovery During the Holiday Season

Staying present involves more methods than just the activities and practices that come to your mind first when you think about the concept. Our Rockland Recovery team has composed a list of some of the best sober living tips to stay present this holiday.

Practice Holistic Methods

Despite the appearance of a passing trend, several activities that promote inner peace and mindfulness have thousands of years of practice to back them up. Holistic approaches are excellent ways to help you stay present and grounded in your life. Some of the most popular tips for recovery include:

  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Yoga
  • Breathing exercises
  • Nutritional healing

Keep Family Time Positive

One aspect that makes the holidays so meaningful is the long-held tradition of spending time with family, including your family members you don’t see very often. When holiday stress is added into the mix with people of different ages and viewpoints, tensions can boil over. If your family member is downright toxic, it’s best to disengage and save yourself. Most times, though, it’s best to listen without judgment and reserve the need to correct anyone’s behavior. Look for the humor in situations, if that helps. Keep your cool, and resist the urge to fight. You’ll know when it’s time to stick up for yourself.

Go Easy on Yourself

Know your limits and how much you can take on realistically this season. The holidays are often stressful because people concentrate on being the best gift-giver, host, boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, etc. Don’t try to do it all. Aim to be present, not perfect. Indulge a little bit. Try not to overindulge, but if you do, remember it’s going to be okay. Take a moment to breathe and appreciate the season. No one will notice if you slacked a little on decorating or left the party early because you were tired. Pay attention to your energy levels and listen to your body as much as possible. Don’t forget to take time to do things for yourself and relax.

Stay Present This Holiday with Rockland Recovery’s Alcohol Rehab Center in Massachusetts

Rockland Recovery is an alcohol rehab with plenty of trained staff and quality resources to help if you’re struggling to stay grounded during the holiday season. Stress during the holidays can cause a person in recovery to lose their footing and slip back into alcoholism. Take action now to prevent a relapse. All your hard work is paying off, and you don’t want to go backward. Call Rockland Recovery today at 855.732.4842 or complete our convenient online form for more information about how our treatment options can help you stay on the right track.

Medically Reviewed by Corey Gamberg, Executive Director

Corey is a certified Spiritual Director and is currently in a two-year training in Jungian Dreamwork. His work seeks to integrate Jungian psychology and contemplative practice into a holistic model of addiction treatment.


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